Security Solutions
Electronic Signature Cases – English Law
The case law on electronic signatures is best understood with an appreciation of the legal function of...
2021 Voice Of The CISO Report
There's no question that 2020 was a challenging year. The pandemic placed an enormous strain on the global...
Four Easy Ways Central Logging Improves Security Posture
Most cybersecurity tools are designed to help identify, alert on, and in some cases prevent a particular...
A global issue: The changing nature of expense fraud
The more information we have about a risk, the better we're able to deal with it. By assessing a problem,...
Crushing the Five Barriers to Growth
Starting a business can be hard. Growing your business can be even harder. Whether it's poor customer...
An Overview of Insider Threat Management
As organistions move towards a more distributed workforce, the traditional perimeter of the office network...
The Anatomy of an Insider Threat Investigation: A Visual Guide
For decades, perimeter-based security strategies have been the starting point for most cybersecurity...
Securing business information with Box
The rise of mobility, cloud services and service-oriented platforms have created immense value for IT...
E-Signatures 2020: Use Cases and Opportunities
Electronic signatures have gone mainstream. Research for this report found that the technology is now...
Introducing Variable Spend Management
Tackle spending sprawl and become a more productive, agile, data-driven business. This eBook is about...
A CIO's Guide to Accelerating Secure Digital Transformation
Cloud transformation is imperative, and it's the CIO who is under pressure to make sure the business...
5 Steps Toward Cybersecurity Resilience for Government Agencies
Cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in number, in complexity and in impact. State and local government...
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